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4 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day at Home

 |  February 14, 2018

4 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day at Home

Valentine’s Day is known as a time to celebrate love, but so often, it becomes synonymous with going out for a fancy dinner. It doesn’t have to be that way! There are plenty of ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day without breaking the bank or fighting for reservations at a fully booked restaurant. Whether money is tight this Valentine’s Day or you just don’t want to deal with the crowds, here are 4 ways to celebrate in the comfort of your own home.

Have a Movie Night In

Going to the movies is more expensive than ever after you pay for tickets, buy some snacks, and maybe get a soda, you’re looking at upwards of $40 for a couple of hours of fun! You can capture all the excitement of going to the movies without having to leave your home by having a movie night in. Grab your favorite movie or browse the depths of Netflix, pop some popcorn from scratch, and have an assortment of candies at the ready. This is a great time to watch movies that are important to your relationship or marathon a series to keep the fun going. You can even order takeout so you don’t have to interrupt the festivities to cook.

Cook a Romantic Dinner

Nothing says teamwork like collaborating on a delicious meal. Get your love involved and work together to make a delicious dinner for the two of you. You can try something new, make a tried-and-true fave, or even have each person make their favorite dish to share! Having a candlelit dinner for two is a romantic way to connect with your significant other over some good food and conversation. Don’t forget to add the finishing touch A bottle of your favorite wine!

Play Some Games

Having a game night is a great way to engage your competitive side! Break out a few of your favorite childhood board games and let the festivities begin. You can order a pizza or make a quick dinner then spend the night playing a few of the games you love the most. If you don’t have any board games that work with two people, you can also use this night as an excuse to play video games. Working together towards a goal of having a little friendly rivalry is a fun way to get the sparks flying in your relationship.

Indulge in Self-Love

No partner? No problem! If you’re single on Valentine’s Day, you can still get in the spirit by having a self-love night. Pamper yourself with a DIY face mask or take a long, relaxing bath. Use this time to eat your favorite foods and catch up on some shows or read a book you’ve been meaning to finish. Make some time to do the things that make you happy, whether it be a hobby or just vegging out at home. Not having a date doesn’t mean this night has to be a bust! Whether you’re single or in a relationship, Valentine’s Day is a time to appreciate all the love in your life. With a little creative thinking, you can find a way to have a fun night at home without having to spend a lot of money.


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